Saturday, December 31, 2005

Its the time to disco

Well .. well .. well.. its that time of the year again when the newspapers make me realize that not only am I broke, but single as well. I look at the newspaper and all I see are ads which ask me to party (unlimited drinks and food), but the fine print holds all my misery: "Rs 3500/- per couple." or something of that drift.
My party today was a visit to the temple followed by a burger and a coffee. Now, maybe I will watch a crap load of television.
A new year also brings with it "The new year resolution thingies". So, what are my new year resolution thingies? Here :

  1. Eat and drink as much as I can.
  2. Sleep in my free time, unless I'm doing resolution number 1.
  3. Procastrinate all activities except 1 and 2.

Like this I won't be breaking my new year resolutions. Ooooh I'm sooo clever..

Anyway, have a ravishingly cool dude ishtyle happy new year !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may u have a nice new year...n may u have loads of money n lotsa gurlz.