Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The 3D camera

In the past few days, while I was not sleeping or watching TV, I had been reading a bit more of OpenGL and trying my hand at making some demos (which are supposed to help me in my over ambitious project). My first goal was to make a camera through which you will be viewing the 3D world. The reason being : It is the easiest thing to make :)
So after a bit of looking up SDL and OpenGL manuals/books, I managed to come up with this:

Yes it is something like a pyramid, and yes it does look as if someone threw up on it.
The program actually lets you rotate the pyramid on its x, y or z axis, and also lets you control your viewpoint (aka the camera) with the help of the keyboard. I haven't figured a way, till now, how to use the mouse to adjust the camera, as can be usually found in games. That should be my next task.

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