Thursday, November 17, 2005

Through the Looking Glass

Ankur had posted earlier about his attempt at getting Sun's 3D desktop: Looking Glass running. So I said why don't I give it a shot.
I took the easier route of downloading the liveCD version of lg3d. It is based on slackware.
So, I booted up the liveCD and it detected everything pretty easily, but when it came to showing the desktop it just hung up. I could see the wallpaper (some shot of grand canyon I think), the icons and the items on the taksbar. The mouse moved a little and then it just got stuck. So, I tried running it not in fullscreen, but it had the same effect.
Now, I have an onboard graphics card (GeForce 2 with 32MB video RAM), so I thought that it was the problem. I moved to Sujit's PC which has a GeForce 5200 FX with 128MB of video RAM. Nothing changed, it still hung up. So the only test which the liveCD has left, to stay in my CD rack, is on Rahul's PC . If it doesn't work on that monster, then I really don't see it working on anything else.
It worked on Rahul's PC and is in fact pretty cool. You get to play a small 3D Pong game, then there are browsers (Firefox and mozilla both), you have mp3 players etc. But those are not the interesting things. You can rotate the windows in 3D (you will have to see it to believe it). The menus are 3D, when you move any window it gets a tilt etc. Its pretty nice to play around. The sad part is that it needed a really good graphics card and processor to run. Although this won't be a problem a few years from now, but still.
Anyway, I give it a thumbs up :) Mission accomplished.


Anonymous said...

Join the club .... BTW crazy idea but try booting the live CD in VMWARE Player / Workstation 5.0 ... I am no clue whether or not it will work ...

Anonymous said...

short url is

Rohit said...

Let me first get it running normally after that I will try to do the crazy things :)

Rohit said...

By the way I scouted around a bit and found that VMWare has little to no 3D support, at least till v 4.0. I looked at the feature list of v 5.5 RC 2 but it didn't have anything about this. I don't think that it will work on it as it requires hardware acceleration.

Anonymous said...

G8 ... mera number kab ayaga