Monday, November 07, 2005

Distributed Computing

A long long time ago I had participated in a certain distribtued computing project called which used the distributed PCs to crack cryptograms such as RC5, Blowfish etc. At that time I was on a dialup and an archaic computer (166 Mhz 32 MB RAM 1GB HDD), so I really don't think that I did anything useful. It was an interesting experience though, as it was the first time I was introduced to anything like that.
Now with a decent system and a decent internet connection, I'm back. But not at the same place. I downloaded the Folding@Home client because it is for a good cause and also because there are very few people from india involved in this. Also my PC is online at most times and is doing nothing other than the NAT work.
Till now my CPU is being utilized 100 %, but I don't see any noticeable delays in other appilcations. So, thats good !
Talking about distributed applications, I found a nice read about distributed computing a few days back.

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