Monday, October 10, 2005

Shed skin

I first came to know about shed skin when Mark Dufour (the guy who is making shed skin ) mailed me. He said that he wanted to use one of my python programs to use as a unit test case for a python-to-c++ compiler he was working on (that is what shed skin is). I did a little more research on the project and I find out that it is actually one of the projects funded by the "Google summer of code" thingie. The project is pretty cool and shed skin can effectively convert a lot of python programs into C++ code.
Today while I was trying to compile a program with shed skin I got an error which had something to do with "dlopen". So I googled for it and got a lot of interesting stuff.
dlopen, along with a few other functions, is used to dynamically load in libraries. Basically it is used so that you can make your program more "plugin friendly". You can find a lot of interesting reads on this topic.
Among other things, I still don't have any bright ideas for my major project :(

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