Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Quake 2 Nostalgia

With the last date for the submission of the major project abstract drawing closer, I was scouting the web for ideas. When I was making my chess engine (6th semester mini project), I was intrigued by the idea of making a bot for a FPS like quake 3, UT etc. Although we take these bots for granted while playing the game, a lot of effort actually goes into making these bots life like. The majority of information on bot programming available on the web seems to be restricted to quake 2. After reading through a few of these sites I decided against making one. The reason being 1) It won't seem too academic. 2) The information is confined to quake 2 (I was hoping at least quake 3)
Anyway looking at all that info about quake 2 made me download the demo. That being one of the first games I ever played (I guess at that time I was in 10th standard). Surprisingly I could remember most of the things and the demo lasted for a fiery 20 minutes of gameplay (no saves). It is still fun playing it :) Come to think of it I have been playing on the quake 2 engine all these days. Counter strike condition zero is built on the Half life engine. The half life engine is actually a highly tweaked quake 2 engine which was brought by valve from id software.
Among other things I again got hit on the nose by the basketball.

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