Tuesday, October 25, 2005

7th semester almost over

All our classes are over and so are our internal exams. Now what is left is the university exam which is coming up on Novemeber 7th. With a preparatory leave of just about 12 days its going to be an uphill task.
Had my graphics lab internal today. We got a pretty simple program to make and animate a planetary system consisting of a star, three planets and some randomly moving rocks (asteroids??). Given that the lab was conducted in TurboC (yuck!), there were no eye catching effects. They were all plain circles going around one another. The viva also went smoothly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oye...ur exzams are comin up pretty soon..we have em on dec..best of luck..n cool progs u get in ur labs..guess wat i had in my graphics lab prev sem....bounday fill