Friday, March 24, 2006

Another weekend

and I rushed to the CD shop to get some movies.
"15th Park Avenue" is a tragic movie on two counts. Tragic because it depicts the life of a girl who is suffering from schizophrenia and also because the movie is a genuine waste of time (not that my time is valuable or anything, but still). It is a painstakingly slow movie with an open ending. And I hate open endings. Given that I would like to see intelligently made movies, but I'm not intelligent enough to work out some obscure ending all by myself. I don't have that much intellect. But I guess such movies will get (or has already gotten) critical acclaim in the same way that modern artists get to sell their paintings for a fortune. Most people don't understand them, but the rich ones pay a real big amount for them, just to show off (it is obvious that they too don't understand them). Bloody rich people. I hate them too, along with open endings !!

The second one, Pink Panther, is what we call a "Khaali" movie. Full of nonsense and it sure made me laugh. The only dissappointment being that *the Pink Panther* is not in the movie.


Anonymous said...

hey..u seen saw..if u dint..dekhiyo..mast hai..n btw i liked 15 park avenue

Rohit said...

"Saw" is that movie right, where they chain people inside a closed room and they have a saw with them, which cannot cut through the chain but only through their flesh.

Anonymous said...

yah..thats the one

Anonymous said...

i agree wd u abt "15th Park Avenue" being a complete waste..i thnk aparna sen didn't have an ending she left it like tht..

Rohit said...

Ya, I guess she opted for the open ending because if Mitali had died in the movie, then it would have been even more tragic and if she became all right, then it would have been the same old story.
By the way, do I know you from somewhere?