Saturday, September 16, 2006

Weekend till now

  1. Munnabhai 2: Thumbs up! Rest is up to you to find out.
  2. Also got to look at the Dhoom-2 trailers and it too looks promising.
  3. Beer
  4. Bought three books: One fiction, One technical, One Arts(!!)

Result: Substantial amount of green leaves exhausted :(
P.S: The scanning happened at an angle. Its not a mistake ... its art !!


Anonymous said...

awesome..well said!!!!..i cud help with the illustration tho!

Rohit said...

Hey thats a great idea! I will send you my anecdotes and you could do the drawings and we could be famous like Penny-Arcade :)
I know I draw worse than a 2 year old .. :(