Sunday, September 17, 2006

My attempts at drawing

As it is quite apparent from my previous two posts: I can't draw. It was not always like this though.
I still remember that at one time in my life when I was in 5th standard, I actually won a painting competition organized in our colony. My drawing consisted of a teacher teaching a classroom full of students (or eggs, depending on who looked at the painting). That was the time I actually drew for fun (and won something for it).
Then came the time when we had this "commercial" art thing in school, where we were supposed to draw alphabets (!!), pots, different kind of obscure shapes etc. That was the time when I started losing interest in drawing.

Anyway, coming back to today or rather yesterday, when I bought this drawing ka book from a shop in Church street. I started reading and I was bowled in the 1st chapter itself.
I realized that I couldn't draw two freehand similar looking round shapes, however hard I tried. I sucked... big time. I filled up almost 4 sheets of paper with round shapes and not any two of them looked the same.
I guess I will try this for a few more days (As it is I do very little in the evenings, except read books). A few more pages won't do any harm.

Talking of drawing, slashdot had this link to a program called teddy created by a Japanese programmer which converts 2D hand drawn images into 3D (!!) Pretty interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok i aint that cool to give away pointers on drawing but one thing which u must keep in mind is patience. ..and also a good eraser!