Friday, February 18, 2005

Beach boyz

It was a real nice end to a rather boring day. The day started with the systems programming lab.. in which I couldn't even do some simple programs (I will take care of that). Fortunately we had only one hour in the afternoon.
We had some major plans for the evening... Me and Auto were going to give the guys our birthday treat. So we picked up some KFs and left for Cherai in one maruti and one Dio. We were having fun the whole time during the drive. When we arrived at the beach it was totally empty, it was like as if we had our own private beach. We had a nice time chatting, making tunnels in the sand, doing long jumps, doing cartwheels and somersaults and (my favorite) watching at the expanse of the ocean in front of us. We had our dinner (which was very nice) and spent some more time on the beach. We returned when we realized that it was getting to late and that the tide was rising too much.. all in all it was one of those days which I would never forget...

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