Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Three more

So here I'm again trying to amuse my audience (if any of it remains) and myself. So what do I have this time around in my bag of goodies? Well here goes..

With terrorism on the rise how do you educate people to take preventive measures? Well .. you show them pictures and hope that they don't misinterpret things.

It had always been a childhood dream to integrate emacs into the browser, so that I would be able to edit all the text areas with the help of the razor sharp editor :) A recent discovery lets me do just that.

There are normal ways to have tea and then there are some people who like to take some effort in doing the exercise.

Among other things I'm trying to learn how to drive (ride??) a bike (as in a bike with gears, I consider all things without gears a disgrace) so that on the long run I can buy a bike, drive (ride??) it, and not be at the mercy of the Bangalore auto-wallahs (who are the biggest dipshits I have encountered and till now there have been no exceptions)


Anonymous said...

"Bangalore auto-wallahs"
They are by far the biggest jerks i hv ever met ...

Anonymous said...

amazing stuff on the tea bag and the signs thing..LOL